Frequently Asked Question(FAQS)
How is SEWA affiliated?
SEWA is an independent Society registered under the societies Act 1860 and NITI AAYOG.
Which areas does SEWA work in?
SEWA itself means “Service to the Society” which reflects our motto of working wholesome development of the society by contributing our service in every aspect, be it be Socio-Economic, Cultural Educational, Research and Development as well as Environment Safety.
What is the footprint of SEWA?
SEWA has been registered to operate all over India and it has been expanding operations up to 3-5 states right now with exclusive service in Assam and Northeast India.
How will my donation make a difference?
The money collected from our fundraising initiatives are used for: • Empowering women and girls from poor and marginalised communities to rise above abject poverty and social exclusion by paving their way for Self Sustainability.
a) Funding our extensive programmes across several states like working in Environment protection, Socio-Economic Development, Quality education and research, reducing infant mortality and improving maternal health, facilitating sustainable livelihoods for project participants, and reducing malnutrition among marginalised families;
b) Bringing about a more gender-equal society, build resilience among communities to overcome exclusion, poverty and disasters, and connect women entrepreneurs to markets;
c) Strengthening healthcare and education delivery systems so that benefits reach the last mile;
d) Building capacity of teachers, health workers and other functionaries to be able to reach quality service on time to the project participants;
How do you keep a donor’s personal information secure?
We value the support provided by our donors. Therefore, their privacy concerns regarding the safety of their personal information are of paramount importance. The donor data is not exposed or shared with any external agencies.
What are the primary sources of SEWA’s funding?
We receive funding from individuals like you, Corporates, Govt Schemes and Institutions.
How do you choose your projects?
We choose projects based on our strategic programming framework, which provides guidance on matters of where we work, with whom and for what outcome.
Can I get the details of the beneficiaries of my donation?
We regret that we do not share the personal details of the beneficiaries with our donors. The money collected from our fundraising initiatives are pooled together, and then utilised among the programmes according to the needs and urgency. Your contribution does not get directed to a single beneficiary.
Can I donate in kind to SEWA?
We do not accept donations in kind due to logistical issues currently. Please visit our Contact Us page and inform us if you wish to.
Does SEWA work with third party agencies for fundraising activities?
Yes, we do. We do intensive training sessions with them so that they are fully knowledgeable about SEWA and its programmes, and can share important information as and when required.
How have you built your trust with donors?
SEWA has been working to empower marginalised women, youth and children in Northeast India for the last decade. Our credibility lies in the work we have done with the every under privileged individual on the ground. Last year we have brought positive change in the lives of over 2.25 lakhs households directly and more than 4 million people indirectly. Our efforts have been recognised by the national and state governments; our projects have been adopted and scaled-up by various levels of governments. SEWA has also won prestigious recognition for its work.